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  6. Đá trân châu - Super Soil (0 - 6mm)

Đá trân châu - Super Soil (0 - 6mm)



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Đá trân châu - Super Soil (0 - 6mm)
30/10/2021 - 10:10:33 AM | 468
Perlite hay còn gọi đá trân châu, là khoáng chất núi lửa tự nhiên, dạng vô định hình chứa 3-5% nước liên kết.

SUPER SOIL là loại đá trân châu tự nhiên, được sử dụng như chất điều hòa trong đất, giúp cải thiện đất, và tăng sức khỏe cho bộ rể của cây trồng.


vai trò của các hạt đá trân châu “Super Soil” được sử dụng trong hỗn hợp đất, tạo cho đất tơi xốp, hình thành các mạng lưới lỗ hổng, nơi chứa không khí, và là nơi giúp cho oxy và nước chuyển động tự do.

Đá trân châu “Super Soil” hiện được sử dụng rộng rãi trong cây trồng chậu, hay cây trồng thủy sinh....vv.


Thông số kỹ thuật

  • SiO2 %              : 71 – 76

  • Al2O3 %            : 10 – 14

  • Fe2O3 %           : 0.50

  • CaO %               : 0.50

  • MgO %               : 0.20

  • Na2O %             : 3 – 4

  • K2O %                : 4 – 5


Benefits of using perlite in the garden

Perlite is a highly useful component of gardening for many reasons:

  • Improved soil aeration
  • Making dense soil lighter and less compact
  • Increasing water drainage
  • Better nutrient retention
  • Reusable because it doesn’t decompose
  • pH neutral
  • Suitable for organic gardening


How to use perlite

Typical Container Growing Mixes

A common container growing mix could be either 100% fine Perlite, or 50% horticultural Perlite -50% coarse peat moss (by volume) plus nutrients.

This formulation will vary considerably however depending upon such factors as the type of plants to be grown, climatic conditions, and size of container.

As a general rule it is recommended that at least 20% horticultural Perlite – “Super Soil” be employed in any container mix. 

Perforate lawn and strew thin layer max. 3 cm, of mixture all over. 

Fertilize and water. Top-dressing can be made with spreading “Super Soil” 1 cm evenly over the lawn and watering strongly.


Starting seeds Mix

1/2 Super Soil + 1/2 Peat moss and moisten well. Cover seeds with fine peat moss and cover afterwards with glass or plastic to keep moisture. Remove the glass when seeds have germinated.


Pot Plants

Mix 1/2 Super Soil + 1/2 Peat moss. 1/2 Super Soil + 1/2 peat moss or 1/3 Super Soil + 1/3 peat moss + 1/3 soil as mentioned above (Pot plants). Root Cuttings Fertilize and water while mixing.

Firm mix around roots, do not pack t i g h t l y . W a t e r t h o r o u g h l y . Plant soil has now great air holding and effective drainage.


Plant Boxes, Tubs, and rooftop Gardens

Super Soil is ideal for plant boxes and tubs because of the low weight .

Super Soil is ideal for plant boxes and tubs because of the low weight .

1/2 Super Soil + 1/2 peat moss or 1/3 Super Soil + 1/3 peat moss + 1/3 soil as mentioned above (Pot plants).

There should be drain in the bottom of plant boxes and tubes that the extra water can be led out.


Root Cuttings Fertilize and water while mixing.

Super Soil increases forming of roots, gives optimal balance between.

Although horticultural Perlite – Super Soil aids drainage, the unique particles enable horticultural Perlite – Super Soil to retain an optimum amount of water on their surfaces. This surface configuration retains water and water soluble nutrients making it available to the turf as need.


Taking care when using perlite

Perlite is dusty, so take care to avoid inhaling the dust. Dampen with water before using it. If using a whole bag of perlite in one go, pour a couple of litres of water into the bag, seal the top and shake it, then let it soak for quarter of an hour before using.

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